Wow , has it really been a whole year since I updated this blog? Well, it's summer time again and the Professor World Band is still going strong. A lot has happened in my life since I last logged in here. I was in Athol all winter fixing up a house. A month ago I moved back to Shelburne Falls in western Massachusetts. I'm setting up my studio and workshop in the basement again and looking forward to doing a lot of practicing and tinkering there during the week. Most weekends I still make it to Boston to play in the public gardens. It's been going quite well for me. I guess folk really appreciate it because the world really needs lots of peace waves these days. So I figure I'll just keep on keeping on for as long as I'm able. I've been adding lots of songs to my repertoire and lots of crazy new dodads and thingamagigs and drums and sounds to the professor world band. One fun new innovation has been that I am experimenting with adding blocks under the wheels of the rotating stage so that the whole contraption now is like a giant rocking chair that rocks back-and-forth to the beat as I play it. It is effortless and so much fun and helps me get into the beat and looks really crazy.lI plan on making some new videos very soon to post here . In the meantime, here's a blast from the past that someone just recently sent to me. It's from an interview done almost 20 years ago for Israeli television that was made on my trip through the middle east in the year 1999. I looked a bit younger back then!
This photo is from about eight years ago in Harvard Square.Add caption |